Hi all. First I'd like to say that I hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas. My prayer is that we will all have a healthy, happy and blessed upcoming year. May God's blessing pour down upon us and may we find and travel the path He desires us to follow.
For me the past few years have been rough to say the least. I chose not to follow the path that God had wanted me to stay on and therefore I have been reaping what I sowed. Thankfully, God is a loving God, a merciful God and a God of endless "second" chances. Although I have suffered greatly for my disobedience I have also learned so much and have grown closer to God in a way that I've never experienced before. God is love. God is hope. God is strength. I know these to be true with Him because I've experienced all these attributes of God so powerfully in the past year.
The end of the year is approaching quickly, just a few days away. I think maybe this will be a great time for me to start this blog site. A new year, a new start. I'm glad this year is closing. I welcome a new beginning.