Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sisters, they share a secret language...

I've been blessed with the gift of having sisters. Well, I didn't always think it was a gift. I'm the eldest of my three sisters. I also have a brother...but he gets his own blog later. Sorry Michael, this is a sister thing. Okay so there's me, then Dawn, then Kristy, and last but certainly not least Martha (pronounced Marta). I'll start with Dawn since she is second in line. Dawn was born just 18 months after me. Growing up we used to fight something awful. My dad would get so mad at us for fighting the way we did. But as it usually goes...woe to anyone else who tried to mess with one of us. If someone was being mean to me, Dawn would come in for the rescue. I remember once she pounded on some boy in the sandbox in elementary school because he had been picking on me. Secretly, she was my hero. I didn't dare tell her though cuz then she'd think she was so great. I couldn't have her know I actually had a good feeling about her. I was the "scaredy cat" she was the brave one. I was a clean freak and organized, she was sloppy and didn't really care where everything went, I was quiet, she was loud, I was sneaky, she was blatant, I kept things bottled up, she was an open book. There were lots of great times too, of course. We used to dance and sing to loud music in the "hang out room" in the garage. We explored our neighborhood and "canyon", we had a club called the Doberman's, we played house, school and "people" (the little Fisher Price ones). We loved Barbies, dirt bikes and roller skating. As we got older we fought less and started to like each other more. We really grew to love and respect each other when we got pregnant at the same time. It was great. We had each other to talk to about what we were going through and really "got it" since we were only weeks apart on our due dates. We both had girls. Again, the bond got stronger since we were both new moms of little baby girls that were less than a month apart in age. Then again, 5 yrs later Dawn and I got pregnant for a 2nd time, we had boys this time only a week apart. The funny part we never even tried for that to happen. Must've been a sister thing. So going back in time...Kristy came along when I was 4 yrs old. My first memory of her was my mom bringing her home from the hospital and thinking "great, another sister." and "wow she is bald...ewww". I think because she was a bit younger I "liked" her better and got along with her more. She was little and when the blond curly q's grew in she was a doll! She was so different looking from me and Dawn. Like Dawn, Kristy had blue eyes but super blond hair and fair colored skin. I was dark-haired, brown-eyed and "tan". Kristy was an escape artist and often ran around the neighborhood while still in diapers. Mom would panic and we'd all go searching for her. Many times she'd be found sitting in the back of a police car sucking on a lollipop while the cops asked neighbors who this child was. Lucky for us times were different and Kristy didn't get taken away. Kristy loved to sing and sing she did...all the time. She was often asked to "go sing in the garage". It wasn't that she didn't sing well, she did have a good voice, it's just that it was constant, got annoying. I always thought Kristy would grow up to be an actress or a singer. Kristy is probably the most accepting of people than anyone else in our family. She really doesn't waste her time judging others and gets along with just about everyone. She is caring and loves the family so much. She is a good wife, daughter, auntie, and sister. Okay...then there's the baby, Martha. She really is the baby...she was born when I was 17 yrs old. She was born to my dad and step-mom. Unfortunately for me I didn't really spend anytime with her as she grew up. I left home a month after she was born. I saw Martha off and on a few times during most of her life. My dad, step-mom and sisters all moved to Mexico when I left home so due to the distance I really missed out on a lot of Martha's life. Dawn and Kristy didn't stay in Mexico too long but Martha didn't come to live in the states till she graduated from high school and then decided to go to Boise State University .Martha is the "smart" one. She was a straight A student all her life, received all kinds of awards, honored for many academic accomplishments etc etc... we are very proud of her. She has made the Dean's list, spoken at conferences and excels at all she does at the University. She is studying bi-lingual elementary education. Since Martha moved to Idaho 4 yrs ago we have been able to bond and build our sisterhood. She is an amazing young woman of whom I am very proud.

I love each one of my sisters with all my heart. They all mean so much to me and I can't imagine my life without even one of them. We are all unique in our own ways. I am so blessed to have them in my life. Everyday I thank the good Lord above for them.
"Your sister is a part of you. And she's not something you can have removed...like an appendix"