Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Vacation

I just spent 11 awesome days with the man who holds the key to my heart. Pete and I had a great time in Las Vegas. My honey got us tickets to see Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian Hotel and we had a blast. A while back I'd mentioned to him how much I'd love to see that show someday, it was on my "bucket list"...sooooo, what does he do? We had great seats, 8th row from the stage. I was in awe the whole time, I LOVED it.
From Vegas we flew back to Boise and drove up north and spent a few days there to visit his two daughters and grandson and all of Pete's family. I had a great time getting aquainted with them all. Everyone was so kind and loving and they made me feel right at home. Pete's daughters are not only beautiful but sweet and kind and funny, I feel we hit it off just fine. Buckley, the grandson is a ham. That baby is the most smiley baby one ever did see. All in all the trip was too good to ever forget.

I am so extremely happy right now. I can't imagine entrusting my heart to a better human being. The way Pete loves me is like no other love I've ever known before. I truly cannot find words to describe what I feel when I'm with him. We just fit. We just do.