Thursday, January 1, 2009


Wow! The new year is here. In some ways this has been a very long year and in another sense it flew by. We all know that feeling. In just 12 short days I will be celebrating my 40th birthday and that is another reason the beginning of each new year is exciting for me. In my family we have several January brother Michael is a New Year's Day baby and so today he turns 30. After Michael we have mine, Michael's wife Dani, and my youngest sister Martha. Last night Jessica, Wes and I celebrated New Year's Eve at Tom and Patty's house. Every year they have a big party and every year we go. The day started out with me helping Patty and her mom, Gudi with the party preparations. We sliced and diced, boiled and baked, chopped and toasted all sorts of foods and desserts. Then we decorated the house and finally, primped ourselves for the big event. The guests began arriving and the festivities began. I sure did miss Josh but this year he got to spend it with his dad. As midnight approached the guests gathered around the t.v. and we watched Dick Clark and his famous Countdown. I thank the Lord for another year. I thank Him for the blessings and mercy He has bestowed upon me and my loved ones. I pray that God will bless us all with health, joy and peace. I pray that in the next year we will love stronger, care more and laugh louder. Happy 2009.